6.5 Wurlitzer Model 120, pt 2: Always Fun! Fun All Ways!

For the next duration, I will be uploading documentation on every model of Wurlitzer Electric Piano ever produced, chronologically.  Approximately 1 page per model, 5 instruments per week, around 40 instruments total.  And then the accessories.  

This will take a several weeks, as each page is a photo essay… and an essay.  In the meantime, if the instrument you are curious about isn’t here, I refer you to my complete list, on which these blog entries are based: Here.

Wurlitzer had an ongoing magazine marketing blitz that accompanied the debut of the Model 120, and continued over the next five years.  Here are a mere few of the ads.  More to come.

Downbeat, August 8, 1957. Steve Allen. “Never Goes Out Of Tune.” (oh yeah?)
Magazine unknown, 1959-1961. Marian McPartland: “The only thing square about my Wurlitzer Electronic Piano is the Carrying Case.”
Life Magazine, May 27, 1957. “Always Fun! Fun All Ways!”